Our Team

Fabrizio Bortolon
Project Coordinator: Responsible for overall project management, including budgeting, timeline management, and communication with project partners.

Margherita Sabbadini
Quality Manager: Conducts historical research and gathers information for the project, including conducting interviews, analyzing primary sources, and organizing data.

Elena Vasilica Lazea
Education Specialist: Develops educational materials and activities related to the project, including lesson plans, workshops, and online resources.

Louie Ann Malzan
Multimedia Manager: Creates visual materials for the project, including video, multimedia, logos, posters, and promotional materials.

Aura Monsalves Munoz
Communication Officer: Manages project communication and outreach, including social media, website updates, and press releases.

Silvana Flora
Management Developer: Preventing and resolving any conflicts and implement actions in the event of any risks arising.