Vital testimony for our memory. Friendship


Looking at the halfway point of the <<History is US!>> project, one value stands out among all today. It's about friendship. We would never have thought that such a precious virtue could arise in a European partnership of professionals. A great result, both for the young Italian non-profit association HUBITA PROJECT ETS and for the expert Glafka company from Prague, so much so that we have signed commitments for the future.

Actually, friendship is one of the most precious bonds we can cultivate in our lives. It not only enriches us emotionally but also represents an inexhaustible source of inspiration and inner strength. Aristotle, in his treatise "Etica Nicomachea", states:

"Without friends, no one would choose to live, even if he possessed all the other goods."

This reflection invites us to consider how fundamental friendship is for a life full of meaning, prosperity and well-being.

Now. the world around us is constantly changing and our relationships are also subject to change. However, an authentic friendship is capable of resisting the passage of time and the daily challenges that our existence inevitably offers us. In fact, living a sincere friendship means desiring the good of your friend as much as you want it for yourself. This bond, based on an original leveling that eliminates hierarchies and personal interests, is the foundation of a relationship without ulterior motives.

An authentic friendship is therefore a living testimony that brings the past into the present. Remembering moments shared with a friend is not just a nostalgic exercise but a way to keep alive the essence of who we are and the path we have taken so far today. The memory of friendship is therefore a bridge between what has been and what will be and helps us to give a deeper meaning to our existence.

Intergenerational generosity.

A central element of friendship is its ability to transcend the present by becoming a beacon for future generations. Bearing witness to one's experiences of friendship is not only an act of personal memory but a precious gift for the new generations. Telling young people how a friendship has supported us through difficult times or inspired us to become better people can guide them towards a more harmonious and happier life. In short, it is pure generosity.

The transmission of this value is essential from an intergenerational perspective. Shared experiences can teach younger people that friendship is not only a source of immediate pleasure but also a responsibility that enriches our humanity and that of our offspring. Through friendship, generations can build a sense of continuity and belonging, creating a more supportive and compassionate world.

This principle of sharing also applies to the learning and transmission of skills, especially digital ones. According to the European Commission's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2023, only 54% of adults in Italy have basic digital skills, compared to an EU average of 64%. Investing in intergenerational digital literacy can therefore be an act of social friendship, capable of bridging the gap and strengthening community cohesion. To learn more about this concept, consult the DESI report here

Friendship as a reflection of universal love

In the commandment "Love your neighbor as yourself" we find the key principle of sincere friendship. This teaching reminds us that the desire for good for others is inextricably linked to love for ourselves. A true friend is someone who knows how to put themselves in our shoes, understand our difficulties, even those that are not explicit, and offer us their support without hesitation.

In an authentic friendship relationship, there is a natural balance because there is no superiority or inferiority, but a reciprocity that enhances both parties. This harmony is the reflection of a universal order in a balance that we are called to preserve in our daily lives. Betraying this balance, refusing the gift of friendship, is not only a personal loss, but it is a real sin, against the harmony of creation itself.

This type of solidarity and understanding is also essential in promoting continuous learning. At European level, the Erasmus+ Adult Education program offers training opportunities to improve soft and digital skills. These programs, in addition to promoting learning, encourage supportive relationships and friendships between participants, building networks that are firstly human and then, later, also professional.

Learn more about the opportunities available here at this link

Digital technology as a bridge to friendship.

An undisputed advantage of digital technology is its ability to quickly connect us with our friends even when we are at great distances. The ability to send a message, a photo or a video can make the difference, especially in times of difficulty. Often a friend who is going through a complicated period doesn't find the courage to talk about it openly but a simple gesture, such as a message, a photo, a video can offer comfort and make one feel their closeness. In this, for example, the instant messaging application WhatsApp really makes the difference, between ease of use and communicative effectiveness.

Technology, however, must not replace the depth of human connection. Digital is a tool, not an end. It allows us to be present, to testify to our affection and support, but the authenticity of friendship lies in the ability to listen, understand and share moments of real life, together, in person. A hug. A caress. An affectionate kiss. An innocent look. They are irreplaceable and must be preserved. Firstly in ourselves and therefore in our memories. From here, then, consciously, they can also be shared thanks to the digital tool.

Rejecting these opportunities to connect, ignoring the value of a simple digital gesture, can mean missing a precious opportunity to strengthen a bond or offer help in a time of need. We must therefore be aware of this gift and use it wisely as an integral part of our testimony of friendship.

The European Digital Skills and Jobs platform offers training initiatives and useful resources to improve digital skills, essential for using technology in a meaningful way. To discover these opportunities, follow this link Digital Skills and Jobs.

Friendship is awareness.

Authentic friendship requires awareness. Firstly for the value it represents. Secondly for the contribution it offers to our existence. Third. For the importance of cultivating it with care. If we have difficulty understanding this, a friend can help us do so. It doesn't take much. A kind word. An unconventional sincere smile. Also shared in a simple message.

Witnessing your friendship is also a way to celebrate our existence, here, now, and recognize the fundamental role that relationships play in building our very being. Every friendship is unique, but they all share the power to transform our existence, enriching it and making it more meaningful.

Without going into grammatical definitions here, it is good to keep in mind that the term friendship, which we use today, derives from the Latin term amicitia. Its meaning, in our tradition, is of a lively and mutual affection between two or more people, generally inspired by affinity, both of feelings and of mutual esteem.

Furthermore, the term amicus is linked to the concept of Greek philìa as a form of love, in which the fraternal dimension of the relationship between lovers prevails, therefore translatable as friendship or affection, as a bond based on esteem, sympathy and trust. In short, it has nothing to do with either erotic love, the driving force of which is the intense sexual desire of the lover, or with agape, otherwise disinterested love, as defined among the first Christians, which does not presuppose necessarily a friendship. Just a mention here of the fact that the term philos is found in Italian, within words composed of the suffix -filo-, o -filia, which indicate loving propensity towards something, for example in expression filo-sofo o filo-sofia.


Friendship is a privilege and a fundamental testimony for our memory. Inexhaustible source of inspiration and joy. It teaches us to live with love, compassion and awareness, helping us to overcome difficulties and grow as individuals. By remembering and sharing our experiences of friendship, we can create a bridge between generations, offering new ones a concrete example of how to live a harmonious and happy life.

As Aristotle states, it is not possible to live fully without friends. They are living testimony to how much better we can be together, united by a bond that overcomes time and difficulties. In a world where everything changes rapidly, friendship is our anchor, our lighthouse, our legacy for those who come after us.

This is exactly the result we expect, even more so now, given that we are looking at the halfway point of the project <<History is Us!>>.
The difference today is made by the European partnership between the young Italian non-profit association HUBITAPROJECT ETS and the expert enterprise Glafka based in Prague.

Now. If you also want more information, to participate as a protagonist in a training project, linked to digital technologies, for seniors, in which your story is the very foundation of our activity, contact us immediately at the email address