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Use of tablets for the Elderly. The digital world can seem complex and sometimes inaccessible to those who didn't grow up immersed in technology. However, there are tools that can make access to digital easier and more intuitive, especially for the 67+ age group. One of these tools is the tablet, a device that offers multiple advantages for those who want to approach technology gradually and without difficulty.

Ease of use and intuitive interface.

The tablet is designed to be easy to use, even for those unfamiliar with technology. The large touch screen makes daily operations such as reading email, surfing the internet or watching videos much more intuitive than using more complex devices such as computers. Thanks to the simplicity of the interface, you can access all the desired functions with just one touch.

For those over the age of 67, this means being able to use a device without having to deal with keyboards or mice, making the tablet an ideal tool for those seeking immediacy and accessibility.

Easy access to multimedia contents.

One of the main advantages of tablets is their ability to manage multimedia content. With a tablet, you can watch videos, participate in video calls with friends and family, browse photos or listen to music easily and immediately. Video playback is smooth and, thanks to the ability to easily magnify the screen with a gesture, those with vision problems can benefit from clear, sharp vision.

Imagine being able to have a video call with your grandchildren, scroll through photos from a holiday or stream a TV series. All this becomes possible and within reach.

Portability and lightness.

A tablet is much lighter and more portable than a laptop or desktop PC. It can be easily transported anywhere, from the kitchen to the living room, from the garden to the bed, allowing you to access the internet or multimedia content at any time. For a person who might have difficulty moving around with a bulkier computer, this portability is a crucial advantage.

For those over 67, this means being able to take a useful, lightweight tool with you on holiday or when visiting a friend, without having to worry about weight or space.

Flexibility of use. Reading, video calls and much more.

Tablet is not only a tool for browsing online but is also an excellent device for reading, thanks to the ability to adjust the text size and screen brightness. For those who love reading, tablets allow you to access thousands of digital books with just one click, avoiding having to flip through pages of heavy physical books.

Furthermore, thanks to the numerous applications available, it is possible to participate in video calls, use apps for cognitive or memory exercises, and even explore museums and virtual tours. The versatility of a tablet makes this tool particularly useful for those who want to make the most of their free time, keeping their mind active and stimulated and training their memory.

Help in daily life.

Many tablets have voice assistants that can be used to facilitate daily tasks. Users can ask the assistant to search for information, set alarms, reminders, or send messages. For those who may find using the keyboard complicated or have motor difficulties, this feature represents a significant advantage.

Furthermore, tablets offer access to numerous applications related to health and well-being, such as apps for telemedicine or therapy management. For those who want to monitor their health or consult a doctor online, the tablet becomes a precious tool. It's about being an active and up-to-date citizen.

Security and control.

Tablets offer several tools to ensure user safety. Operating systems are often equipped with parental controls or features that limit access to unsuitable content. This is especially useful for those who want to keep their device safe and protected from cyber threats or viruses.

Senior citizens can benefit from these security measures, avoiding unpleasant inconveniences when browsing online and ensuring that the digital experience is always peaceful and protected. For example, this is crucial when making online purchases, using home banking or accessing public administration portals.


The use of a tablet for adults over 67 represents a great opportunity to approach the digital world in a simple, effective and safe way. Whether it's communicating with loved ones, watching multimedia content or managing daily life, the tablet offers a versatile and intuitive solution, designed to meet the needs of those who want to stay connected without difficulty.

Now. If you want to learn more about using a tablet of a specific brand and model, don't hesitate to contact us! Write to us now, with your tablet, at the email address With the project <<History Is Us!>> we can help you immediately, thanks to the European partnership between the young Italian non-profit association HUBITAPROJECT ETS and the expert Glafka company from Prague.