The journey into history to implement our collective memory



In an era of rapid changes, not only digital, the possibility of actively participating in community life and preserving the personal and collective past becomes increasingly relevant. Thanks to the evolution of technology, today, adults, especially seniors, have a unique opportunity, for the first time in the history of humanity. It's about training to acquire digital skills, which are fundamental for intergenerational dialogue and therefore for a shared historical memory, also at a European level. This is the objective of the project <<History is Us!>>. Simple. The journey, free of charge, starts the moment we begin to understand the innovative usefulness of new technologies. This is possible thanks to digital training dedicated to practical and functional use, to truly make a difference on a personal, relational and professional level, all to be done independently.

A journey into the history of our territories too.

From the Second World War of the last century to nowadays, the concept of European citizenship has evolved, going from being initially an idea of ​​economic and political union to an integrated concept of shared identity. With initiatives such as the Erasmus+ program and the creation of platforms such as EPALE (Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe), the European Union encourages a sense of belonging to a wider community. These initiatives promote lifelong learning, pushing adults to be active and informed citizens, capable of concretely contributing to the construction of a European memory. Eurostat data confirms that only a low percentage of Italian adults have basic digital skills, highlighting the urgency of continuous training.

The importance of multimedia videos and technological training.

Digital content, such as video and multimedia, opens up new possibilities, never seen before, to document and share personal experiences in complete autonomy. The technological training of the <<History Is Us!>> project helps people over 67 to produce multimedia content, such as biographical videos, which then become tools for connection and inclusion. Through dedicated digital platforms, these stories can be collected and preserved, contributing to the creation of an archive of collective memories available to future generations. The combination of digital skills and video creation, therefore, not only supports inclusion, but also enriches European cultural heritage, facilitating dialogue and exchange between generations and nations. According to the Digital Citizenship Education Handbook, the conscious use of technologies increases participation and social inclusion, creating opportunities for dialogue between generations and contributing to a more united and supportive Europe.

Biographical testimonies. The journey through history on an individual level.

The life stories of those who experienced the changes in Europe enrich the understanding of our collective identity. Through biographical testimonies, adults can talk about their experiences and convey a sense of belonging and continuity. Initiatives such as European Historical Memory aim to raise citizens' awareness of the European past, creating a shared memory that reflects diversity and lived experiences.

These initiatives aim to support a shared space in which European history and values ​​are intertwined with civil participation and respect for cultural diversity. Feeling like European citizens also means recognizing the role that every single individual plays in the construction of this collective identity, thanks to their own life experiences and cultural background. Collecting these testimonies also offers an important educational opportunity. Young people and adults can thus discover, through authentic stories, the challenges faced by previous generations and how they have shaped contemporary Europe. Italy, for example, has experienced periods of great change and innovation that deserve to be shared to allow new generations to fully understand the importance of European integration and solidarity between nations.

Technological training as a tool for inclusion and personal growth.

Digital training for adults is not only a tool for bridging the generational and technological gap, but also a means for promoting democratic participation and civic awareness. According to the EU Digital Education Action Plan, improving digital skills means enabling all citizens to navigate safely online and actively participate in digital society. For example, the ability to recognize fake news and use digital communication tools guarantees informed and responsible citizenship. The Council Recommendation of 22 May 2018 on key competences for lifelong learning also promotes the importance of digital literacy as a tool for personal growth and inclusion. Technological training allows many people, often excluded from the digital world, to rediscover the value of their social contribution and share it with others. This form of education also supports the implementation of Goal 5 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which aims to reduce inequalities in access to digital technologies, especially for women.


The journey through history is therefore a memory travel contextualized in the present between active citizenship and digital training for adults. Using technology, even new generation technology, means contributing to an active citizenship capable of preserving our personal stories. The solid construction of a collective memory passes through this awareness, valorising individual stories in a functional digital inclusion. Thanks to the training offered by the <<History Is Us!>> project, each individual has the opportunity to contribute to the collective memory and to feel integrally part of a community. Technology is thus not just a cold and distant tool but a bridge that unites generations, histories and cultures, building a shared future.

The project is carried out with a strong and cohesive European PARTNERSHIP made up of HUBITAPROJECT ETS and GLAFKA sro.

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