Soul storytelling. Dreaming

We are closely approaching the halfway point of the project <<History is US!>>. A dream that has become reality. This is how we are living our European partnership, among the young Italian non-profit association HUBITAPROJECT ETS and the expert enterprise Glafka based in Prague,so much so that we are committed to the near future.
Now. Request. Can technology today, in particular that useful for biographical testimonies, such as videos shared online, be functional to the well-being and prosperity of seniors too? Answer. Did we mention the dream before? Well. Who among us doesn't do it? Dreams represent a fascinating and mysterious dimension of our life, a place where memory intertwines with imagination and where symbols and profound meanings emerge from our unconscious, naturally, without restrictions.
Wonderful quotes can be found on dreams since the dawn of time. For example, last century Carl Gustav Jung wrote: The dream is a small door hidden in the deepest and most intimate sanctuary of the soul, which opens towards that cosmic night which was soul long before there was an ego consciousness.
This perspective had already been underlined by Artemidorus of Daldi centuries earlier. In his famous book on the interpretation of dreams, among many things, he writes that: Dreams are the language of our soul, a messenger that warns us of the future or invites us to reflect on the present.
These two thinkers, despite thousands of years apart, underline in unison how dreams are authentic manifestations of our intimacy. They bind us to a higher level memory, beyond the limits of our daily, rational and intellectual reality, which tends to limit what it cannot understand between rules, orders and boundaries.
The dream as present memory.
Dreams represent a unique and original form of memory, which intertwines personal memories, intuitions and symbols. For seniors, in particular, they become a vehicle for exploring emotions and meanings that evolve with age. Telling your dreams is not just a storytelling exercise, but a way to transmit values and visions of the world to new generations, creating a deep and significant bond.
Let's imagine a practical example. Let's pretend that a temporary employee of a company dreams of her manager the night before a remote meeting. Then. During the meeting, the woman tells her dream. The manager appears to him on video, with a background of children's pinafores, all neatly hung. Here you are. This episode is not only a narrative example, but also a powerful metaphor of the importance of communication, dream memory and the connection that characterizes us as humanity.
Il sogno e le tecnologie multimediali.
With new generation tools, dreams are no longer confined to the personal dimension or to limited exchanges between individuals. Through digital tools - such as videos, blogs, forums or dedicated applications - we can share our dreams, tell them and compare them, even with those of other people. This possibility opens a new level of understanding and interaction. Dream stories can be related to those of others, creating a collective memory of dreams.
Social platforms or specific applications allow you to record your dreams in real time, accompanying them with images, videos or detailed descriptions. This not only helps to preserve the memory of dream experiences, but also allows us to observe similarities and differences in the dreams of people belonging to different generations and different cultures. It's about inclusion and active citizenship. Seniors, in particular, can find in these technologies a means to share their dream experiences, even with young people, offering them a unique perspective and a solid bridge between past and present.
The acquisition of digital skills in seniors.
Digital literacy among adults, and in particular among seniors, is a crucial issue in the European Union and in Italy. According to the European Commission's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), 54% of adults in Europe lack basic digital skills, and this percentage is growing among older adults. In Italy, the data is even more worrying. Only 44% of adults have sufficient digital skills, placing the country among the most backward in the EU.
Promoting digitalization among seniors doesn't just mean teaching them to use devices, but providing tools to create content, such as videos and stories, that can be shared and enjoyed. Projects such as those promoted by Erasmus+ and other European programs encourage lifelong learning by integrating digital technologies into adult education.
For further information: For Lifelong Learning in the EU
The dream. Timeless intergenerational tool.
In a world where generations often seem distant, dreams can represent a powerful bridge that unites past and future. Sharing dream experiences allows you to explore universal themes such as fears, hopes, desires and life challenges. Through this narrative, seniors can transmit to new generations not only personal memories, but also a vision of the world enriched by years of experience and reflection.
Digital technologies offer valuable tools for preserving and sharing these experiences. Videos, images, voice recordings and collaborative writing platforms allow the creation of a digital memory of dreams, which can enrich collective knowledge and stimulate cultural dialogue.
The dream shared above, for example, told by the temporary collaborator to her manager, certainly naively in a working relationship, is not just an extemporaneous episode to understand how our soul speaks to us, it is in fact a substantial metaphor, referring to the importance that must be given to communication and therefore to the connection that exists between us human beings, which unfortunately is very often forgotten. Luckily the seniors here have to be proud of their privileged status.
Recognizing the value of dreams and their interpretations is an act of awareness that can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. In this case, just to orient ourselves better, we could say, in a simplistic summary, that the collaborator who tells the story will soon become pregnant, with the important love of her life, who is certainly not the manager himself but fully represents him. , as an authority to which she gave herself, welcoming him, like a vase to be filled.
Dreams are an essential dimension of our existence, a form of authentic memory that goes beyond the boundaries of everyday reality, but is also useful in this present life. As Artemidorus of Daldi reminds us, the dream is a messenger that warns us of the future or invites us to reflect on the present. Jung then points out that dreams offer us a unique insight into our soul and our unconscious.
Taking advantage of the opportunities offered by technology to narrate and understand dreams not only enriches our lives, but helps build a collective heritage of stories, experiences and knowledge that can inspire and guide future generations.
Project <<Lhistory is US! >> is a witness. Doing activities in the European partnership, among the young Italian non-profit association HUBITAPROJECT ETS and the expert enterprise Glafka based in Prague, is like living a dream.
If you also want more information on how to be the protagonist of your own story, even dreamlike, by participating in a training project related to digital technologies for seniors, contact us now at the email address