Senior as a Profession. Dignity of Memory


We are reaching the halfway point of the project <<History is Us!>>. We have had many experiences. The activities carried out were multiple, demanding and diversified. However, one constant has guided us this far. Professionalism. A decisive advantage in the European partnership, both for the young Italian non-profit association HUBITAPROJECT ETS both for the expert company Glafka based in Prague, enough to make us sign commitments for the future.

Now. The word profession and all its derivatives, such as that of professionalism, which is very fashionable today, contain a profound value in our culture, which we must be aware of when using them. Above all because in this case, their strength derives directly from their origins, that is, from our Latin tradition. Professus literally means open declaration, it is linked to Profiteri which is made up of pro (first, forward) and fateri (to speak, admit, express, confess).

In short, to be clear, in truth, professional can only be that which represents an action of declaration, commitment and admission, sincere and therefore well understood. This is because making a profession originally means manifesting one's faith, not only in a spiritual sense, but also in the personal abilities and values ​​that guide one's work. Profession, therefore, is synonymous with dedication, competence and emotional transport towards a task that is embraced with conviction.

This dimension goes beyond the simple carrying out of a job whose ultimate aim, in a modern and contemporary way, for most, is only to receive monetary remuneration. A professional activity is rather cohesive in knowledge, that is, in the ability to affirm one's beliefs and one's life choice. It's about shared intimacy. Being a professional therefore means literally embodying a role with responsibility, awareness and passion. Therefore, it has nothing to do with conventional limiting labels.

Then when we talk about seniors, this concept is further enriched, embracing the idea of ​​professionalism matured over time and supported by the dignity of memory. In fact, it is about knowing how to always keep the connection with one's own experiential baggage alive.

Being senior nowadays.

The term senior is also of Latin origin. It recalls the idea of ​​an older person, yes, but not in a reductive or limiting sense. On the contrary. It emphasizes the wealth of experience, wisdom and knowledge that only time can bestow. Being a senior today, however, is not easy. In a world where change accelerates and technical skills become obsolete more quickly, the role of seniors risks being misunderstood or underestimated. Values ​​today seem to be only linked to speed and efficiency.

Now. What is fundamental to understand here is that the true strength of seniors lies precisely in what cannot be learned from manuals, intensive courses or pre-set chat bots. In fact, it is a personal memory full of knowledge. All with zero emissions. Perfectly in line with the 2030 agenda. Memories, experiences and lessons learned throughout life are invaluable resources, they give dignity to every action and decision taken in the past. It is these memories that allow seniors to face the challenges of our time with resilience and, above all, while offering a stable point of reference for younger generations.

According to Eurostat (2022), the percentage of people aged 65 and over in Europe represents 21.1% of the total population, with Italy in first place in terms of incidence, at 23.5% (source: Eurostat).

These data not only are a challenge but also an opportunity to enhance the memory and experience of seniors, starting from our territory.

The dignity of memory.

Memory is the common thread that unites past, present and future. For a senior, preserving and enhancing one's memories is not only an act of respect for one's self and therefore of personal well-being, but it is also a concrete contribution to the community. By sharing one's experiences, bridges are created between generations, transmitting not only practical knowledge but also values ​​and principles that can inspire those who are being born right now, while you are reading these words, a creature is making its first cry. Thinks. Now this is authentic shared communication.

In a world where life expectancy has significantly increased - in Italy the average is 82.9 years according to ISTAT (2023) - our seniors have the right to actively contribute to society through their knowledge and the sharing of their experiences.

The beauty is that thanks to multimedia technologies this memory can be preserved and shared in new and powerful ways. Next-generation tools, instant messaging applications, video clips, digital photographs, audio recordings and online platforms allow seniors to tell their stories, making them accessible to anyone, anywhere. This process is not just an act of conservation but a true declaration of value. Every memory is a living testimony of what we were and how we can continue to contribute, on this planet, today.

Official statistics tell us that 65% of Italian seniors participate in some form of social, cultural or voluntary activity, underlining the importance of memory as an active contribution to the community (ISTAT). New technologies, such as social media and digital platforms, can amplify this impact, making memories and experiences accessible to new generations too.

The professionalism of seniors.

In the modern context, there is often a tendency to codify and schematize professionalism through rigid rules, protocols and certifications. We're talking about stakes. However, this vision risks reducing the profession to a set of rules, ignoring the fundamental elements that make an activity truly significant. Our transportation. Our feeling that moves us. Our declaration of faith. Furthermore, it is only this that, in appreciation, makes the difference on the standard.

For seniors, professionalism is therefore not a blind adherence to predefined models, but a process that integrates knowledge, experience and, above all, emotional transport. When a senior puts their heart and soul into what they do, they create value that goes beyond the immediate result, generating a lasting impact. This approach is essential to create the conditions for not only individual but collective success. Together, through the valorization of diversity and personal experiences, we can build a richer and more harmonious future.

The ability to adapt and innovate is one of the strengths of seniors, as highlighted by a European study which shows how transversal skills (soft skills) improve with age, particularly in problem-solving and management of interpersonal relationships (European Skills Agenda).

The importance of sharing.

Sharing your memory is not only an act of altruism but also a way to give a deeper meaning to your life. Digital technologies, if used wisely, offer powerful tools to make this sharing more effective and accessible. From social networks to cloud storage platforms, seniors today have the opportunity to leave a tangible legacy of knowledge and contribute to intergenerational dialogue. One of all is the application WhatsApp. Easy. Intuitive. Direct.

For this dialogue to be truly effective, the feeling that supports it must be valorised. It's not just about telling facts or events, but about transmitting emotions, intuitions and perspectives that can enrich those who receive them. If you want to cheat, act cunning and slither like a little snake furtively, the game is immediately discovered. This process in fact requires openness, trust and the ability to see in one's memory not only a personal archive, but a gift to offer to the world, from the depths of the soul.

Reject rigidity to embrace flexibility.

Those who try to harness the profession into rigid schemes and limits lose sight of the true meaning of the term. This is especially true for seniors, whose value lies not in conforming to predefined standards, but in their ability to adapt, innovate and inspire. Flexibility is the key to enhancing the contribution of seniors by allowing them to fully express their potential.

In a world that often encourages speed and efficiency over depth and reflection, seniors can offer a superior point of view, based on conscious slowness and attention to detail, with a privileged observation point. This approach is essential not only to keep the memory alive but also to create a balance between innovation and tradition.

Create the conditions for success.

Success, for seniors, is not a question of competition or conquest, but of collaboration and sharing. Creating the conditions for success means recognizing the unique value of each individual and finding ways to integrate different perspectives into a common project. This requires a change of mentality, which favors empathy, respect and the valorization of personal experiences.

Working together, sharing knowledge, joining forces of young and senior people is the best way to face the challenges of the future. Seniors, with their memory and feelings, can provide a moral and practical compass, helping new generations navigate an increasingly complex world.


Being a senior today means embracing your memory and using it as a tool for inspiration and guidance for the present. The dignity of this memory is the heart of the professionalism of seniors. A value that cannot be codified or limited by rigid schemes. Through sharing their experiences and the use of digital technologies, seniors can continue to contribute to the progress of society by creating, thanks to knowledge alone, a bridge between the past and the future.

True professionalism is not made of protocols, but of feelings, emotions and passion. In this, seniors have a lot to teach. Their example is a living testimony of how memory, combined with dedication, can give meaning and dignity to every aspect of our existence.

Here you are. This is exactly the result that is expected now, that we are reaching the halfway point of the project <<History is US! >>, thanks to the professional European partnership between the young Italian non-profit association HUBITAPROJECT ETS and the expert enterprise Glafka based in Prague.

If you also want more information on how to be the protagonist of your own story by participating in a training project related to digital technologies for seniors, contact us now at the email address