Generative Memory


We have reached 2025. Here we are. With the start of the new year, the first month, January, naturally invites us to reflect on the past and, at the same time, to project ourselves towards the future.

This month, the first of the Gregorian calendar, takes its name from the Etruscan deity Janus, a fascinating figure who perfectly embodies the concept of generating power. Janus is depicted with two faces. One looking to the past and the other to the future. This duality does not only represent an ancestral symbol, but an invitation to live the present with awareness, integrating what has been and what will be, for a new generation.

From this perspective, our project History Is Us! it acts as a concrete intergenerational bridge, capable of giving dignity and value to the memory of Seniors. Memory, in fact, is never static. It is a living process in continuous transformation. In fact, the key to understanding the future lies precisely in respecting and valuing the experiences of the past.

Generative January

January conventionally marks the beginning of a new cycle. In ancient cultures, the transition between the old year and the new one was seen as a sacred moment, in which one asked, in presence, for protection and therefore for a reliable guide for the future. Janus, with his two-faced gaze, represents not only the idea of ​​temporal passage, but also the ability to preserve what has been, while at the same time opening up to the present, with new possibilities. This dualism is extremely current. In fact, it can also be applied to our society, where personal and collective memory has a central role in building the future. IN ROME, the Gianicolo neighborhood takes its name from this tradition that is still very present.

This is why in the project History Is Us! we are inspired by Janus, to create a space in which the past and the future dialogue, today. The objective is to make Seniors protagonists of a new present, enhancing their experiences and transforming them into useful resources, also for the new generations.

Memory. Generative Force

Memory is not a static archive of events but a generative force that shapes us even in the present. Every story, every lived experience, every testimony, carries within the Self a lesson, a teaching or an emotion, which can inspire those who listen to or watch a video. Through narration it is possible to build solid bridges between different phases of life and generations.

In our project, we give voice to Seniors, creating opportunities to tell their story. Technology – often perceived as an obstacle for older people – becomes a precious tool for sharing and preserving memories.

For example, we encourage the creation of videos, in which Seniors can talk about significant episodes from their lives. These materials not only preserve individual memory but become a shared cultural heritage, accessible to all.

The History Is Us! project

The History Is Us! project comes from the awareness that the memory of Seniors is a priceless treasure. However, in a society that often favors the new and the immediate, this memory risks being overlooked or forgotten.

Through targeted initiatives, we aim to restore centrality to the stories of people who have experienced historical events, social transformations and cultural changes. In this way, we create a shared legacy that can enrich not only those who tell, but also those who listen and observe, not just watching.

A concrete example of this mission is represented by intergenerational meetings, including digital ones. On these occasions, young and old can discover commonalities, learning to look at the world through different perspectives. This exchange is fundamental to building a more cohesive and inclusive society.

Collective memory and identity

Individual memory is closely linked to personal identity, but when these stories connect, they create a collective identity. The experiences of Seniors are an integral part of the history of the community and their story contributes to building a shared narrative.

A central aspect of the History Is Us! project is the collection of oral testimonies through structured video interviews and moments of open dialogue, even self-produced. Participants can share their experiences which are then documented and disseminated. This process not only preserves memory online but also helps create a sense of belonging and generational continuity.

Technology as a memory ally

In 2025, technology offers powerful tools to preserve and enhance memory. However, it is important that these tools are accessible and inclusive. For this reason, our project includes digital training courses for Seniors, helping them to use online platforms, social media and applications to record and share their stories.

For example, a Senior could learn to create a short video in which he talks about a significant episode in his life, or write a post on social media to share a reflection. This content not only reaches a wide audience but also allows seniors to feel like an active part in an increasingly digital society.

Looking to the past to build the future

January, with its connection to Janus, reminds us of the importance of looking to both the past and the future. In the History Is Us! project, this philosophy translates into the desire to create a richer and more aware present, starting from the memory of the Seniors.

The stories of those who lived through the twentieth century, with its challenges and achievements, can offer valuable lessons for dealing with the complexities of the twenty-first century. At the same time, dialogue between generations stimulates creativity and innovation, promoting a more inclusive and sustainable future.

In the end

Generative memory is a powerful force, capable of transforming the past into a resource for the present and the future. January, the symbolic month of the generating force, is the ideal time to reflect on the importance of memory and to commit to preserving it.

Through the History Is Us! project, we are committed to giving dignity and value to the memory of Seniors, creating a bridge between past and future. Because, as Janus teaches us, it is only by looking in both directions that we can generate a meaningful present and a promising future, full of well-being and prosperity. Together we can build a memory capable of generating concrete value, for everyone, useful, functional and practicable.

If you want to know more or to participate as a protagonist in our project, visit our website by clicking HERE or, if you also want to generate new pleasant connections, immediately, contact us directly, now, HERE.