Andragogy. Adults Learning


A strategic resource for personal, relational and professional growth.

Understanding the particularities of adult learning means promoting effective and motivating training.


While the term pedagogy is well known to all, andragogy is less known. This is a specific approach to adult learning. andragogy represents a training method that responds to the particular needs of adults, focusing on motivation, autonomy and practical relevance of the contents learned. Given the growing need to adapt to new personal, relational and professional contexts, andragogic learning proves fundamental to foster individual growth and satisfaction, providing the transversal skills essential in a constantly changing society like today's , in the midst of the double transition, digital and environmental.

What is andragogy?

This is a distinct and at the same time complementary approach to pedagogy. Indeed andragogy differs from pedagogy in its focus on the autonomy and direct experience of adults as starting points for learning. Malcolm Knowles, one of the main theorists of andragogy, identified the principles that distinguish adult learning: intrinsic motivation, self-directed learning, valorization of experience and orientation towards solving practical problems. According to Knowles, adults learn best when they are actively involved and when the content responds to concrete and immediate needs in their lives. These principles make andragogy a fundamental method for responding to the challenges of professional development and personal growth required by the contemporary world.

The Italian context: A need for lifelong learning.

In Italy, the percentage of adults participating in continuing education activities is growing but is still lower than the European average. The underlying theme is the so-called Lifelong Learning (LLL), learning throughout one's life. Now. According to the latest ISTAT findings, only a small percentage of adult Italians have participated in training courses, compared to an EU average which, although still very low, exceeds 10%. This discrepancy highlights the need to improve access and quality of adult education programs in our country. Investing in andragogy is therefore fundamental to address these shortcomings, allowing adults to maintain and develop necessary skills for a more fulfilling personal, relational and professional life.

Androgogy and soft skills. How to promote the integral development of the Individual.

Androgogy promotes the acquisition of transversal skills, known to most as soft skills, always essential but, above all, for personal, relational and professional evolution. Soft skills-oriented learning includes multiple skills. Troubleshooting. Effective communication. Self-awareness. Adults, in fact, do not learn to accumulate information but to apply it in a practical way and thus improve their and others' daily lives. It's about generosity. According to European Union guidelines, the development of these skills is fundamental to face the challenges of the 21st century, making andragogy a valuable resource for both individuals and society.

Experience and motivation. The keys to effective learning.

One of the pillars of androgogy is the importance of personal experience as the basis of learning. Here. The past history of each of us makes a difference. Adults have a wealth of significant experiences. These influence their preferences and motivations. Valid androgogic training starts from these stories by valorizing them. What adults already know is the starting point for more engaging and relevant learning. Furthermore, motivation is a crucial element. According to Eurostat research, adults are more motivated to learn when they perceive a concrete and immediate benefit, such as career advancement or an improvement in their well-being.

Current and future challenges in adult learning inevitably concern new technologies. This is why androgogic philosophy now has a decisive role that must be well understood. The rapid diffusion of technology represents a challenge but also an important opportunity for adult learning. Androgogy is based on the valorization of the personal experiences and motivations of adults who learn better, naturally, if what they study has a concrete and immediate application in their and others' lives. Personal life stories and direct testimonies, integrated with new technologies, make the androgogic approach more flexible and autonomous, promoting skills that are otherwise fundamental. Eurostat data shows that only 28% of adults in Italy have basic digital skills. An obstacle that androgogy, aligned with digital evolution, can help overcome. Adopting new generation tools not only makes adult learning more dynamic but responds to a growing need for digital literacy, necessary to fully participate in society, supporting adults to develop the skills essential to live confidently in the contemporary world.


Androgogy therefore represents an indispensable approach to meet the educational needs of adults today, promoting autonomy, motivation and the practical relevance of the contents learned. In a rapidly changing planet, investing now in androgogic training programs is essential. It's about ensuring that people of all ages can continue to evolve, at all levels, thanks primarily to fulfilling relationships, adapting to changes, and bringing them to their advantage. From here, thanks to an intergenerational and interregional key, access to the goal of the project <<History Is Us!>> is assured. The fact is that it is not just a matter of learning new skills but more of cultivating a positive attitude towards change, thanks to lifelong learning, in a path to be followed together, for a personal improvement that is functional to society itself, also in perspective. The project is carried out with a strong and cohesive European PARTNERSHIP made up of HUBITAPROJECT ETS and GLAFKA sro.

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